AI Powered CRM for SME's
CRM Integration

Efficient Processes

Streamlined Workflow
and Automation

CRM integrated with Case Management

Single Source of Truth
Improved Visibility

Centralized Data

CRM plus productivity tools

Personalized Interactions
Proactive Support

Enhanced Customer

Multi-Task Like a Pro

Activity Notes

Task Assignment/Delegation

SalesStream (Sales Pipeline)

Custom Form Data Capture


Teamstorm (Internal Customer Chat)

Case Management

CRM Benefits

Optimizing Business Operations: Key Strategies

Explore how Sekisoft helps industry leaders

  • Empower SMEs to Share Knowledge Efficiently
  • Improve Client Satisfaction with Faster Resolution Times
  • Drive Innovation Through Data-Driven Insights

Elevate your business with AI-powered information retrieval, centralized customer data management, and bespoke collaboration tools designed to enhance productivity and streamline operations.

Breaking Silos

Sekisoft: Streamline Your Business with Innovative SaaS Solutions